Tell me about the Ironclad Duck.

All right, you asked for it. These are the performance figures for the Mark III, extracted at great risk from Isambard's laboratory. We understand that the Mark I was more heavily protected, but immobile; while the Mark II had an unfortunate tendency to sink. (No ducks were harmed during the construction of these systems.)

TL5+2 ironclad duck

One of Isambard Kingdom Earwig's more successful ventures, the Ironclad
Duck is a battlesuit for a Mallard. Mostly the users tend to stand
around going "wek" a lot; but some of them have now learned that
they're largely catproof.

Crew: 1 duck.

Subassemblies: Vehicle +1, 2xWings -3, 2xLeg -1, Body +0, Turret -4.

P&P: 1-kW sterling cycle heat engine (short term access, multi-fueled),
1-kW legged drivetrain (waterborne; short term access) [2xLeg], 200
lbs. thrust light turbofan (vectored thrust; short term access).

Fuel: 1 gal self-sealing light fuel tank (fire modifier 0), 1 gal jet
fuel (fire 13), 0.1 gal self-sealing light fuel tank (fire modifier 0),
0.1 gal diesel (fire 9).

Occ: battlesuit arm control [2xWings], battlesuit leg control [2xLeg],
battlesuit body control, battlesuit head control [Turret]

Armor  F   RL  B   T   U
Wings  3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5
Leg    3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5
Body   3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5
Turret 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5

Size: [LxWxH] 6.97'x1.74'x0.871'
Payload: 9.35 lbs.
Lwt.: 350 lbs.
Volume: 10.6 cf
Maint.: 74.9 hours (1.28 mh/day)
Price: $71,382

HT: 10
HP: 2 each [2xWings], 3 each [2xLeg], 8 [Body], 1 [Turret].

Without turbofan:

Ground Performance: Motive Power 1-kW, Top Speed 20 mph, gAcc 10 mph/s,
gDec 20 mph/s, gMR 3, gSR 1, Ground Pressure 104 lbs./sf, Off Road
Speed 20 mph.

Water Performance: Top Speed 5 mph, wAcc 0.1 mph/s, wDec 10 mph/s (10.1
mph/s), wMR 0.75, wSR 4, Draft 0.6 ft, Drag 6, Flotation 385 lbs.

With turbofan:

Ground Performance: Motive Power 51-kW, Top Speed 160 mph, gAcc 70
mph/s, gDec 20 mph/s, gMR 3, gSR 1, Ground Pressure 104 lbs./sf, Off
Road Speed 160 mph.

Water Performance: Top Speed 60 mph, wAcc 10 mph/s, wDec 10 mph/s (15
mph/s), wMR 0.75, wSR 4, Draft 0.6 ft, Drag 6, Flotation 385 lbs.

Air Performance: Motive Thrust 200 lbs., Stall Speed 40 mph, Top Speed
240 mph, Terminal Velocity 316 mph, Glide Speed 127 mph, Glide Ratio
4.71:1, aAccel 10 mph/s, aMR 2.4, aSR 3, aDecel 9.6 mph/s, Take off
5.71 yds, Water Take off 40 yds, Landing 20 yds, Water Landing 40 yds. 

Design Notes:
TL7 extra light frame expensive materials [Vehicle].
TL7 DR 5 expensive metal [Vehicle].
Payload Cost: $3.12
Vehicle Features: electronic controls, waterproofed, fair streamlining.
Air Features: STOL wings.
Water Features:  mediocre lines, flotation, hydrodynamic.
Wings: folding wing.
Leg: improved suspension.
Turret: full rotation.  
Volume: 0.3 cf [2xWings], 1.61 cf [2xLeg], 6.76 cf [Body], 0.006 cf
Area: 6 sf [2xWings], 9 sf [2xLeg], 22 sf [Body], 0.5 sf [Turret].
Empty Space: 0.298 cf [2xWings], 1.6 cf [Body].
Book Options: Vehicles Expansion stall speed.
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Hosted on Isambard Kingdom Earwig's Babbage Engine.

Last updated: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 09:01:33 +0100